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A. Goodwin Signwriting


A traditional signwriter and fairground artist whose work is crafted and authentic: specialising in the fairground, circus, steam and heritage industries, all work is undertaken by hand, with no tape.

Traditional signwriting, lining and fairground art
Traditional signwriting, lining and fairground art
A. Goodwin Signwriting


traditional signwriting

From initial hand-drawn sketch to a hand-painted finish, my extensive knowledge of letterforms throughout history underpins my work in this field. This attention to research is combined with an understanding of colour and composition to craft hand-painted signage.


Undertaken by hand using no tape, I also have an extensive knowledge of lining schemes for steam and heritage vehicles and I bring this to the fore to undertake lining (often referred to as ‘pinstriping’) work. Authentic and meticulous in execution, lining offers a finishing touch to the restoration of historic vehicles.

fairground art

My skills also extend to fairground art and decorative work. Combining the traditions and craft of signwriting and lining with skills in scrollwork and décor has led me to undertake work on fairground rides and organs, living and gypsy wagons.

Amy Goodwin

about me

A traditional signwriter and fairground artist, my work is heavily influenced from growing up travelling steam fairs in the West Country: the elaborate and visual typography, flamboyant colours and meticulous lines are reflected in the work I create, both to commission and for exhibitions.


This upbringing has also instilled an awareness, respect and passion for the industries I specialise in. This not only informs my creative work but also enables me to deliver talks and workshops as well as informing my doctoral study.


To see the versatility of my work within the industries I specialise in, the project pages showcase a selection of projects completed. Here, you can gain a deeper insight into how my skills and knowledge can shape a project, as well as seeing some in-progress stages.

Traditional signwriting, lining and fairground art


speaking, teaching & exhibitions

As well as working to commission, I am adept at sharing my research and work through various education strands. I welcome enquires regarding talks, workshops, exhibitions and teaching opportunities. The educational section contextualises these skills further.

Traditional signwriting, lining and fairground art

an introduction

Since 2011, I have specialised in the art of traditional signwriting, lining and fairground art, serving the travelling industries of the fairground and circus, and the preservation industries of steam and heritage. Underpinned with a passion for the history and tradition of these industries, the key values of my work are the importance of the signwriting craft and authenticity. 

All my work is undertaken using traditional methods - by hand, using no tape nor digital assistance.



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© 2024  A. Goodwin Signwriting

website by Octarine Design

work with me

If you’d like to discuss how I can play a part in your restoration project, or commission me to work in an educational context, please get in touch.

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