Over the course of a few weeks, my meticulous attention to detail and skill of lining allowed a lengthy restoration of ‘Farmers Friend’ to come to fruition: the paintwork complimenting the skilled engineering work undertaken by the custodian of the engine. This lining work was undertaken in a traditional manner: by hand, using no tape.

background & research
Moving away from the traditional Fowler Agricultural Engine lining scheme - and my knowledge of this scheme through manufacturer’s build sheets - for this restoration project the custodian wanted to return the steam engine to how it was known on the preservation scene of the 1970’s, using elaborate and detailed red and yellow lining.

the process
Working in stages aligned with the engineering process, I methodically recreated the lining work originally seen on ‘Farmer’s Friend’ 50 years ago. Here, attention to detail was key and notable parts lined out include the steering wheel and block, water pocket, and aspects of the footplate.